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  1. Hi Victoria, I’ve really enjoyed watching you get your blog going and visiting it from time to time. It looks great! Congratulations!
    I did want to let you know that I noticed you misspelled the word “dairy” throughout this post. Just wanted to let you know in case you wanted to fix it.

  2. This looks delicious! I have been wanting to find a healthy smoothie for breakfast, but many that I see have ingredients I cannot stand! This one looks delicious! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Looks delish! Smoothies are the perfect snack or meal during these hot summer months!

  4. What a great recipe! My son who is 20 months old can’t have dairy at all so I’m sure he would love this! Pinned 🙂

    Shauna @ The Best Blog Recipes

  5. Oh, the ring from the cup on little one’s face is adorable…this smoothie sounds really good, and I have several friends/family that are either gluten or dairy free. Pinning to share with them! 🙂

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