How to Make the Laundry Routine Your Favorite Time of the Day
Yes, you can make your laundry routine one of your favorite times of the day with these practical suggestions. Invest in yourself and grow your faith… all while doing the laundry!
The conversation usually goes something like this…
“Ughhh… I HATE laundry! It’s never ending. I do not know how my people go through so many outfits. I’ve been wearing the same yoga pants for days now!”
“I hear you, I do a few loads a day too. But you know what? I actually kind of love it!”
“Wait… what? Did you say you LOVE it?”
We chuckle back and forth while commiserating on our least favorite chores but I really do love doing laundry. It is one of my favorite things to do!
Yep, you read that right, I LOVE laundry!
It’s not because I don’t have to do it very much, quite the opposite in fact.
With 5 people in our family, three of which are still in the years where accidents and potty training fails are still a daily occurrence, the amount of clothing I sort, wash, and fold every day continues to multiply.
To keep up with it I pretty much have to do at least one load, preferably two loads, every day. Some days it is more like three! I try to give our poor, overworked washing machine a 24-hour break every Sunday, but sometimes it just doesn’t happen.
And I’m not washing small loads either!
I swear our clothing multiplies and I’m almost certain that there are people who live in our home that I have yet to meet!
From the daily clothing we each wear (some days our kids go through more than one outfit due to those above mentioned potty training fails), to kitchen linens, hand towels, and other odds and ends, I always have at least one full load a day.
About two years ago I stopped sorting out clothes, with the exception of delicates (but let’s be honest about that too — the amount of “delicate” clothing we wear only equates to one load a month!) Instead, I just throw them all in together (even whites!)
It saves so much time!
So I say all this to show that I love doing laundry not because I have so little to do, because I do a LOT of laundry, but rather because I view laundry as a time I can invest in myself each day.
Every afternoon, or evening, I spend about 30 minutes sorting and folding the clean laundry. During this time I reward myself by listening to an audiobook, a podcast, or even watching a TV show I had saved on the DVR if it’s later in the evening and the kids are already in bed.
This is a real luxury for a busy mama!
Listening to an encouraging podcast or audiobook fills me up and gives me fresh new perspective.
Depending on my mood, I’ll either listen to an encouraging Bible-based podcast from Revive Our Hearts, an inspirational pep-talk on motherhood from Inspired to Action, or a creativity inspired coaching podcast from Brilliant Business Moms.
Those 30 minutes in the afternoon, while I stand at the kitchen counter folding while my kids play or do an art project nearby, is an anchor is my day.
It helps get through those “witching” hours that fall in the late afternoon before dinner (just about everyone is falling apart during that time, ME included!) They help bring in a calming voice to the afternoon chaos, and they are filled with Biblical wisdom to help refocus my attention and attitude.
So yes, I LOVE doing laundry.
I look forward to it every afternoon.
I save things to listen to during these times, and I have even trained my kids to know that unless there is blood, puke, or death, mama needs these few minutes ?
Do you have a regular anchor in your day that restores, brings peace, and redirects your focus back to what matters?
It can be anything that fills you up and just gives you a few minutes to breathe each day.
How to Make the Laundry Routine Your Favorite Time of Day
I’ve shared why I love laundry time so much, so now I wanted to share some practical ways for you to grow your love of laundry time too.
Here are some easy and practical things you can do while doing the laundry. I promise that if you make this a regular discipline, you just might enjoy the laundry as much as I do!
Memorize Scripture
I have been using laundry time as a means to memorizing Scripture for a while now.
Gathering the dirty clothes, throwing them in the washing machine, switching them to the dryer, and folding them is a pretty mindless activity. So instead of just thinking about anything during this time, try hiding God’s Word in your heart!
I’m currently working my way through memorizing the first chapter of John. Every day I repeat a few verses over and over again. Saying it out loud in repetition is one of the best ways to memorize Scripture.
As an added bonus, if my kids are working nearby at the kitchen table, it’s being planted in their hearts too!
I have gotten into the habit of praying while I clean my house and while washing dishes, so using laundry time to pray is another way to build in more crucial prayer time in my day.
I keep prayer requests written down in my planner or prayer journal so I’ll just prop the journal open on the counter to refer to while I’m folding.
I know it sounds weird but sometimes I pretend that God is on the other side of the kitchen counter and I’m talking to him. My kids are constantly asking who I’m talking too (which a great example to set!) and on more than one occasion my husband has started me 🙂
Listen to Something Life-Giving
I have shared my love for listening to the Bible and Podcasts over and over again. I keep both my YouVersion Bible app and Podcast app on my iPhone’s main screen so they are easy to click on.
I love listening to encouraging and inspiring podcasts that teach Biblical truths, as well some fun girlfriend style chats and business growth ideas.
Currently, my favorites are:
Revive Our Hearts by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth
At Home with Sally by Sally Clarkson and Kristen Kill
Modern Homemakers by Donna Otto
Business Boutique by Christy Wright
That Sounds Fun with Annie F. Downs
Brilliant Business Moms by Beth Anne Schwamberger
Homemaking Foundations by Jami Balmet
Watch a Favorite TV Show
I don’t watch much TV but there are a few shows I do enjoy watching. I never watch them on live TV anymore, that just doesn’t fit into my schedule. So I’ll save them on the DVR and watch them at my convenience (and fast forward through the commercials!) or I’ll pull up Netflix.
I only make the choice of watching a show after my kids are in bed and it’s later in the evening when my brain is fried.
Sometimes it will be my reward at the end of a crazy day… watch a good show while folding the laundry. It’s a win-win!
If I have convinced you that laundry could be at least a chore to look forward too on occasion, then I’ve done my job! 😉
Next up, I’ll be sharing a few tips to actually make the whole laundry process much, much easier (hint-hint… it goes against just about everything our grandmother’s taught us about laundry!)
Hi Victoria,
Laundry is definitely one of the ‘must do daily’ chores in my house. And I guess I don’t mind it much. But one thing I haven’t done in YEARS, which I’d like to start doing again is ironing.
I know I’d love for my family and I to have nicely pressed clothes ready to go but I never carve any time out for it. I guess because ironing is my least favourite element of the laundry.
But I’m so thrilled by your suggestions and plan to start using them this week! You see, I broke through a dislike for doing the dishes by listening to podcasts whenever I stand at the sink. But I never thought of doing something similar for ironing!
I really enjoy doing the dishes now because I know I can listen to some of my favourite podcasts. So I’m excited to do the same with ironing or to spend time in prayer whilst I iron!
Thanks so much!
Love this Elisa! I’m so happy some of these ideas will encourage you to use your own laundry and ironing time to listen to a podcast and pray. I know it will continue to affect your whole family! 🙂 Thanks for taking the time to share this.
Saving up whites just wash in their own load takes too long and too much effort. I also put all colors together and use color absorber paper in the wash. Only exceptions are new dark clothes; those will definitely colour dye clothes.
My cat loves the laundry. She’s there staring, intriqued by the washing machine spin.