Let’s Write the Word Together with Scripture Graces
Do you want to grow your faith and engage in God’s Word like never before? Make the goal to write the Word this year through Scripture Graces, a Word by Word journey through the Bible.
In recent years, my love for the Word has deepened in ways I can’t express. Perhaps since becoming a parent, I have come to the realization just how dependent on God I truly am or maybe it’s the comfort that comes from knowing these Holy Words have been passed down year after year, standing the test of time.
As I’ve grown in maturity, my discipline of reading the Bible and studying His Word has deepened but something I have shared before is that it’s no longer good enough to just read the words, I love writing them as well.
Writing the Word began as a simple discipline to help me process what I was reading. As a mom to little ones, trying to focus my eyes and sleep-deprived brain while being surrounded by noises and little (adorable) distractions and trying to read and comprehend the Bible isn’t exactly a winning combination.
I would read passively, not being to soak in much, before my attention was redirected back to whatever my children were into.
Now I’m finally in a season where I’m able to rise before my children to have a bit of quiet time before they wake, but it wasn’t that long ago when my kids were up with me, snuggled next to me on the couch or playing at my feet (or most likely crying or squabbling) while I was trying to soak up a few precious moments with God.
It was during this season where I began transcribing small verses of Scripture in my journal as a way to really highlight what I was reading. I’ve always written a verse or two in my prayer journal but this discipline soon began to take on a whole new approach.
Instead of just writing a verse that jumped out to be, I was writing down whole passages of Scripture.
As I was forming this discipline, something magical started to happen. I began to fall in love with the Word in a way I had never before. God’s Words started to become alive to me and I began to crave it more and more.
As the New Year approached, I’ve been thinking through my Goals with Grace. One of my greatest priorities is to grow and nurture my faith by spending time daily in His Word and prayer. One way I’m going to do that this year, is to be more focused and purposeful in how I write out His Word.
So I’m starting with the goal of writing out the entire book of John.
Just look at the first few words of John:
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. ~ John 1: 1-3
Starting from the beginning, I’m going to write word by word, verse by verse, from the first verse in the first chapter, all the way to the last verse in the last chapter of the Gospel of John.
Would you like to join me too?
As this goal unfolded of writing out an entire book of the Bible, I wanted to create a keepsake resource to guide me through the Gospel of John by breaking up the chapters into small, bite-sized pieces to write out every single day, as well as a space to record truths being unpacked as I write.
Scripture Graces: A Word By Word Journey Through the Bible was born.
It’s a daily journal and keepsake to house your journey through the Gospel of John, which includes an entire writing plan that breaks up the book into daily assignments.
Each day contains a two-page spread to record the Scripture Graces, a small portion of Scripture, and Daily Graces, a place to go further into the Word through prayer, journaling, Bible study or anything else on your heart that day.
You can read about all the details of the journal, as well as take a peek inside, HERE.
One final note of clarification, this is an ACTUAL PRINTED BOOK that will be delivered to your doorstep in less to two weeks. It is not dated, so you can start at any time of year. The interior of the journal is black and white, with graphics, and has perfect bound binding.
Creating Scripture Graces has been a labor of love, and a project I am deeply passionate about. I have ideas for future editions as well, that I can’t wait to share with you. It is my sincere prayer, that this daily devotional tool will help you dig into God’s Word like never before!
Thank you for being a dear supporter and reader here in this ministry space. It is such a privilege to share the blessings God has planted in my heart with you!
Before you go, can I ask you one more favor?
If you know someone who could benefit or be blessed by engaging with the Scriptures in this simple, yet impactful way, would you mind sharing it with them? I would be ever so grateful!