Love Bug Valentine Craft
Get creative with your child with this adorable Love Bug Valentine Craft! Easy to complete using already on-hand supplies and let’s your child practice those fine motor skills and create a truly one of a kind masterpiece!
By Contributing Writer Samantha
Love Bug Valentine Craft
We do crafts around here all the time 🙂 Which is to be expected with running a daycare right?!?!
My daughter right now is into bugs. Ladybugs and bees are her favorite! Oh and the dung beetle that she loves to look at in her Big books of Bugs (Usborne book).
Most of the time I turn to Pinterest for a quick idea for a crafts, but I really just took what she was interested in and went with it.
Sometimes that is the best thing you can do as a parent or teacher… Go with what your little one is into.
And remember it doesn’t have to be Pinterest perfect. Life is not 😉
Oh and she has been so excited when I finish a roll of paper towels because we wants the dadadaaaa thing (the empty roll)! Oh She cracks me up!
Materials Needed
- Toilet Paper Roll
- Paint and Brushes (pink, white, and red)
- Red and Pink Construction Paper
- Stickers
- Googly Eyes
- Pipe Cleaner
- Glue
- Masking Tape
- Paint the toilet paper roll and let it dry completely. I place my colors on a paper plate and let the children choose what ones they want to paint with. I tell them to paint the whole roll and demonstrate how but I do not paint theirs for them. It makes it their art.
- While it is drying cut out 2 hearts for each child out of construction paper. I did one pink and one red for everyone. Have the child stick stickers on the hearts to decorate them. You can have them color if you want too. My daughter is almost 3 so she loves stickers and it helps with fine motor skills. We used heart stickers and she put a few bee and ladybug ones on hers.
- On the back side of the hearts attach them at the tips with tape.
- Once the toilet paper roll is dry you can decorate it and add the hearts as wings. Add googly eyes and draw a mouth.
- Take a pipe cleaner and fold in half to make an antenna. Tape them to the inside of the toilet paper roll.
**We did take two days to do this craft. You could start in the morning and finish it in the afternoon.
Now you have a fantastic love bug that your little one will enjoy making and playing with 🙂
Need a few more ideas for Valentines Preschool fun?
Toddler Valentine’s Craft
Teaching Young Children about the Love of God
I love toilet paper roll crafts! This would be so cute flying around our house. 😉
Thanks Rebekah, my kids love it too!