Everyday faith

Preparing Your Heart for Lent: 6 Things You Can Do Today to Grow Your Faith Over the Next 40 Days

Preparing Your Heart for Lent: 6 Things You Can Do Today to Grow Your Faith Over the Next 40 Days

Lent is more than just giving up something for 40 days. It is also a time of great growth and reflection as you quiet your heart. You can grow closer to God and strengthen your faith by preparing your heart for Lent with a little bit of intentional thought and some planning. The season of…

Roots Dug Deep

Roots Dug Deep

Our lifesource is the Word of God. We need it to live. God designed us to need Him, to be in fellowship with Him as our only source of life. And just as the tree mentioned in this Psalm, when we drink from the living waters, we bear fruit, we are nourished and we grow.