It’s Time to Start Setting Goals that Matter
Are you working hard towards tasks that don’t add value to your life? Tired of setting goals that you don’t, or can’t, accomplish? Are you ready to start living with more intention and purpose and focus on things that actually matter? This one is for you!
As a New Year is fast approaching, I’m sure you hearing so many things about creating resolutions and new goals for the year ahead. The excitement for a fresh new start is always great but as the first month of the new year rolls along, those feelings of excitement start to dwindle.
Think about it, how many New Year’s resolutions or goals have you successfully achieved?
If you are being honest with yourself, probably not many. I’ve been there too. In fact, let me tell you a little bit about my story moving from a goal setting failure to becoming a goal achieving rock star!
It was the end of the year and there I was sitting down looking at my list and feeling like a big failure. I didn’t accomplish anything I had set about doing.
Nothing was crossed off of my list leaving me overwhelmed and defeated. The inner voice began whispering lies and the vicious cycle began.
“I am so tired of being so tired!” I screamed on the inside.
“I’m tired of spinning my wheels and not actually accomplishing anything”
“I’m tired of feeling like a failure!”
And then I heard it… You are not a failure. You are My beloved.
“But God why is this so hard?!?! Why can’t I get anything done?”
As I sat there and called out to God in my prayers of frustrations two things became apparently clear to me.
- I was spinning my wheels focusing on the wrong things, and
- because I was focusing on things that weren’t important, I wasn’t living the abundant life that Jesus came and died for.
The items on my t0-do list — which I had mistakenly referred to as goals — had nothing to do with what actually mattered in the grand scheme of things.
They were so far off from priorities that I didn’t recognize them as life-giving suckers.
That was over two years ago, now I have an entirely different approach… a more grace-filled, life-giving and intentional approach to goal setting.
Are you working hard towards tasks that don’t add value to your life?
Tired of creating goals that you don’t, or can’t, accomplish?
Want to live with purpose, intention, and meaning?
You’re not alone.
As I shared above, I too used to feel totally overwhelmed when it came to setting and keeping, goals. I created these long lists of unrealistic goals but what I was failing to do was actually recognize and identify what was truly important to me in the current life stage.
I am a big fan of goal setting. Goals have the ability to change your life, add purpose and value, and allow you to finally accomplish some things you have always wanted to do, but just never got around to it.
However, in order to truly set and accomplish goals, you have to set the right ones!
I have been setting goals for myself for the past two years and have been amazed at just how much I have accomplished when my focus is priorities-based. I used to set too many goals resulting in goals not being met and feeling like a failure.
Can anyone else relate to that too?
And that’s why I love the Culitvate What Matters Powersheets.
I was tired of feeling defeated at the end of every year, month, week or even at the end of every day!
I was tired of spending the time setting goals but not actually creating a plan as to how I would accomplish them.
I knew there had to be a better way.
And there was… creating grace-based goals that align with the things I truly deemed important in my life.
Powersheets walks you through the process to help you examine your priorities and create realistic, attainable goals that align with your priorities.
When you had the goal book for .50 i bought it and never downloaded it. How can I download it now?
Hi Penny, Unfortunately the original goal book is no longer supported by our system. Those who purchased the book back when it was on sale will be getting a special email from me when the new one goes on sale later this month.