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  1. Thank you for sharing your heart. I completely understand where you are coming from. In fact, as I was reading, I was thinking, I could have written this. I’m very happy to have found your blog and will continue to support it as I can. Thank you! It looks great!

  2. It was wonderful to find you through the Thrive Thursday link-up! I started my blog almost 4 months ago and am considering monetizing for many of the same reasons you mentioned above. I am also a Christian blogger, but many have suggested not writing about my faith to attract more viewers and to ultimately make money. I refuse to sell out so it is a blessing to see a Christian blog that is doing what I hope to. I would love to have you share your heart with my growing community at the Saturday Soiree Blog Party @ I am a new follower of yours and I look forward to reading more of your content!

    1. Sarah Ann I think it’s absolutely possible to write about and share your faith while monetizing your blog. While I do write a lot about home tips and family, my faith is a central tone in my voice and my posts here reference my Christian faith. While a lot of my readers are fellow believers, there are many who aren’t. I’m sure I could be making more money and driving in more traffic if I strayed from some of my guidelines, but I don’t and I really feel like God has blessed this blog as a result. So don’t be afraid to monetize your blog if it’s faith focused, pray and ask God to lead and guide you through the journey. Best wishes to you 🙂

  3. This is interesting. I haven’t monetized my blog, but I’d like to eventually. Thanks for sharing how you’ve done it! # saturdaysharefest

  4. Great post! Love how you are sharing this with your readers bc I get asked a lot… “so you do make money off your blog?” Thinking I need to do a similar post to keep readers in the loop! I love how a hobby can provide some extra spending money 🙂

  5. I found this post at #SaturdaySharefest, and clicked on it because I have started thinking about monetizing my blog. Like you, that is not the reason I blog, but a little income would help justify the many hours spent blogging!

  6. Thanks for sharing. I how there are a lot of us out there who want to monetize for all our hard work.

  7. Somehow, the idea of faith and business are often seen as incompatible or conflicting. But I say, hooray for quality standards and excellence while supporting your family. I love the new design!

  8. thanks for your insight…I often wondered why people decided to monetize their blog! Good answers. 🙂

  9. I’m a newish reader & LOVE your blog! This is my favorite post so far, as I am wanting to eventually monetize my blog as well. I know I will be coming back to this post again in the near future!

  10. This was so helpful! I am in the planning stage of revamping and monetizing my blog, so this is a great reference. I came to your blog from your interview with Ashley Wells and am looking forward to exploring your blog and following! May God continue to bless your blog!

  11. I just stumbled across your blog and am glad that I did….
    Its really inspirational!
    Just added you to my Feedly list …. will get your updates pronto 🙂

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