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  1. Wow, you are so organized! I’d like to read more and this seems like a great way to do that. I think I’ve had an Amazon wish list for at least 10 years, ha! I love it. I add all books or music I would like to buy on there. Perhaps eventually I will get more intentional about reading. There never seems to be enough time, sigh.

  2. Love your process! A lot of my books for this year were ones already in my house or my mom’s (actually at least a half of them probably came from her). Hoping the library will have the rest and if not I’ll interlibrary loan them. I’m hoping to track my books better on Pinterest this year. I too have a GoodReads account but have barely used it.

  3. I love that you planned out how to get organized. hee hee =) it’s one of my favorite things to do.

    I’ve always had a love for books. I haven’t been good about actually reading them but this year I’ve challenged myself to read 6 books. I wanted to keep the goal reachable so 6 is a good realistic number for me.

    I really the idea of reading books from different categories. I’m going to get planning my year out too.

    Thanks – monica

  4. Wow! What organization! I have never managed to stick my reading lists in the past, but never did more than write them down on paper

  5. Great tips – I have often thought of being similarly intentional with my reading list for the year, but it never actually happens. I tend to pick up books in the moment! Thank you for sharing this with Cozy Reading Spot!


  6. When I saw this come through your enewsletter as part of “highlights from the blog” I knew I had to click through and read. I get excited about books to read but often find that I get overwhelmed with reviews, personal spiritual growth books, classics, etc. this is super helpful and I am going to create a list around categories as opposed to months. Can I keep you posted (for accountability on my part?!) and the Pinterest board idea? *STAR*!!!!

    Well done!

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  8. Yeah I love to read, but I just can’t seem to MAKE the time! I know it is all about intention, but for me it is also follow through.

    1. Alyssa I hear you, different seasons of life make it super hard, you just have to make the best with the time you have and sometimes that means not getting a chance to read. This summer when I was super nauseous from this pregnancy I hardly read a thing and even now I’m slowly getting back into a reading routine. The other hard thing is that now I am so exhausted at night which was my prime reading time, I can barely get my eyes to focus on the page! 🙂

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