Why Homemaking Still Matters Today More Than Ever
Don’t believe the lies because homemaking still matters today… perhaps more than ever. Dive into these Scripture-based truths that show exactly what homemaking is (and isn’t) and why you should care that homemaking still matters today.
When you hear the term homemaker what comes to mind?
Do you instantly turn to those retro images of women working in their homes with pearls and pumps? Or do you find yourself caving under the guilt of never becoming the “ideal Proverbs 31” woman?
Or perhaps you even don’t consider yourself a homemaker because:
- you aren’t married
- don’t have children
- or are an empty nester
As we can see, the terms homemaker and homemaking carry a lot of baggage and we all probably approach this topic from different perspectives based on what our own examples of home looked like.
But something that God has been revealing to me is that we ALL are homemakers, regardless of what season or stage of life we are in.
You don’t need to be a wife or mother to be considered a homemaker.
God created us as women to be nurturing, intelligent, and to care about the people and places around us. I know it’s easy to get lost in the words of Proverbs 31 or Titus 2, but God gave us the tools we need to fill our roles as a homemaker.
But let’s stop here for a moment and address the big elephant in the room…. what is a homemaker & why homemaking still matters… especially in today’s culture?
What is a homemaker?
There are several lies about homemaking that we can address and overcome, including the big one that homemaking is so much more than just cleaning.
Today though, let’s focus on the real role of homemaking.
For clarity sake, let’s define homemaking as a woman who cares about her home atmosphere and wants to make it more Christ-centered. (And yes, men can fill this role too but since my audience is 99.9% women, I’m addressing the ladies today!) 😉
The messages of today’s culture would have you believe that homemaking is an outdated practice and that it doesn’t matter much anymore… after all you can pay someone to come in and clean, cook, and deliver your groceries. (all good things about modern conveniences by the way!)
But you can’t pay someone to come in and set the tone for your home, can you?
Homemaking Still Matters
Homemaking matters, and is still incredibly relevant, because we have this amazing opportunity to shape and influence the lives of the people who come into our homes, from friends to neighbors, to our husbands and children.
Homemaking is a great opportunity to witness the gospel on a daily occurrence.
It all may feel mundane but let me assure you (and me!) that God sees it and the work you are doing within the walls of your home.
He sees it and it matters to Him.
He doesn’t just see it, He also set the stage for us.
God is the Perfect Homemaker
God is a homemaker too, our great example.
John 14:2 tells us that:
“My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you”
He doesn’t call us to things He isn’t deeply and intimately familiar with.
He knows homemaking is no small thing.
Throughout the pages of Scripture, the Lord makes homes and then calls us our home.
Open BibleGateway.com, or any other concordance you are comfortable with, and type in the words HOME and DWELLING PLACE and see how many verses populate.
Psalm 90:1 is just one reminder that He has been our dwelling place throughout all generations.
Temporary Dwelling with Eternal Importance
Our own dwelling places, our home, apartments or other places of residence, don’t need to be these beautiful Pinterest or HGTV images of perfectly decorated furnishings or passing white glove checks.
Instead when we look at our homes as a temporary place with eternal importance, doesn’t that change the way we view our home and homemaking?
I love what Nancy Wolgelmuth says about homemaking,
“A home is not an idol or an end to itself. It is a tool, a means of putting the Gospel and the grace of God on display.”
I don’t know about you, but starting to understand these truths is dramatically changing my heart towards my home and the role I have as a homemaker!
Haven Creation
I love the term “creating a haven” because it feels warm and cozy.
When we have a heart for our homes, we are doing more than just creating a comfortable and restful place, we are creating a sanctuary where discipleship, discipline, hospitality, stewardship, and evangelism naturally occurs.
Proverbs 14:1 reminds us,
A wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands, the foolish one tears hers down.
And this reminder found in Colossians 3:23-24:
Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.
When we remember WHO we are doing our homemaking for, our heart changes.
Suddenly we see that the 31st chapter in Proverbs isn’t meant to be an unrealistic idol of the “perfect” woman, rather it inspires us to work hard for Him with purpose inside our hearts & homes.
Homemaking is a good thing, it’s a God-given gift and it still matters today.
We have been laying the foundation for what Christ-centered homemaking is but there may still very well be some obstacles getting in your way as you try to change your heart.
I call these obstacles for what they are…
In fact a few months ago, I asked for some feedback from my email readers about why lies they feel they are trapped in when it comes to finding real joy & freedom in their homemaking.
As I compiled all the responses, I was able to identify 5 core homemaking lies that we tend to believe.
Most common are these 5 lies:
- Homemaking is only for wives and mothers who stay home, not for women who work or for women who are not married with families.
- Homemaking is a useless skill by today’s standards.
- Homemaking is just about keeping a clean and orderly home.
- Homemaking is not important and doesn’t matter.
- The Proverbs 31 woman is the example of a perfect homemaker I will never live up to.
Do you believe any of these lies?
I used to, in fact until recently I believed almost most of these.
Then I dug deep into Scripture.
I wanted to be able to address these lies head on and to dig deep in to see what exactly God’s Word had to say about homemaking… and boy oh boy, does He say A LOT!
But it’s not what you may think.
Current culture and political correctness have been feeding us a lot of lies.
In fact, after digging deep into these lies, I uncovered some very freeing truths.
To help address each of these lies, I created a mini-course that I believe you will love, it’s called Homemaking Truths: 5 Lies to Stop Believing Today to Help You Find Joy & Peace in Your Homemaking.
If you have believed ANY of those lies above then this mini-course is for YOU!
I love this. My husband is my number one supporter of me being a SAHM. I read him that quote by Nancy. What he does: working two jobs, sometimes only getting 4 hours of sleep at night, all gets validated and justified when I work hard at home. Adding “putting the Gospel and the grace of God on display” to my job list made him tear up. He knows what he does makes it possible for me to do mine. This was a lovely post. Thank you for sharing it!