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  1. I use olive oil and a norwex cloth and am happy with the results. My skin feels as soft as it did when I was using a (much) more expensive moisturizer.

  2. I may make you scream a little when I say this: I don’t wash my face. I don’t use lotions or make up most days so it gets washed in the shower. I have been blessed with good skin and a mother who taught me that I shouldn’t need to do anything fancy to my skin. My husband, on the other hand, has sensitive skin and the fact that he needs to shave his face regularly just aggravates it. We’ve been looking for a chemical free solution for him and it sounds like oil cleansing might just be it! Thanks for sharing and I’m going to town later today and I’m adding castor oil to my list. Then I’ll need to convince my husband to actually use it.
    Question about cleaning it off: Don’t your cloths get oil stains on them? And does the oil transfer to other clothing in the wash?

    1. Good for you Tessa, I wish I had been a little more nicer to my skin when I was younger but it’s definitetly something that I plan to teach to my kids. Hopefully your husband will give it a try. You’ll have to let me know if he does! šŸ™‚

  3. I have somewhat oily/acne prone skin. Does the oil really not cause more oil/breakouts? thx

    1. Yes, at least for me anyway! While I didn’t have major acne breakouts before, I would have the occasional flair ups. Since using this system I have only had like one or two pimples total and my skin is not as oily as it was before. You might have to play with the oil combinations to find the perfect balance between the castor oil and the EVOO but you should notice an improvement in your skin. Hope this helps!

  4. I find this extremely interesting! I too have combination skin that all of the sudden is breaking out in acne again, 30 has not been kind to my face. When I started reading this, I immediately thought there is no way cleaning my face with oil would work but after reading the whole thing, who knows maybe it will work. What I have been doing is not working at all, so maybe time for a change. Pinning this to try soon.

    1. I hope you give it a try Lucy. I was really skeptical too about how well oil would actually clean my face and not cause it to be more oily but I am a believer now!

  5. I have been hearing so much about this oil cleansing method. I may have to try it out. I’ve been using e-cloths facial cloth recently and really love how it cleans my face too. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Linking up from Whatever Wednesday! Had to PIN definitely interested in natural beauty care! Thank you!

  7. That is so interesting. I will have to try it. I have been neglecting my skincare lately. Thanks for linking up with the Bloggers Brags Pinterest Party. I have pinned your post to the Bloggers Brags Pinterest Board!

  8. I do this too but I’m using VCO. When I was just starting with oil pulling I did some research about the other uses of virgin coconut oil and I found out about it being a good cleanser and moisturizer as well. I do the routine you mentioned every night to remove my make-up. My face feels so soft and clean yet not dry.

    1. I also love coconut oil for many reasons! I could write a whole separate post on it’s healthy benefits too! Thanks for the reminder Jessica šŸ™‚

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