The Best Gifts for Your Mom Friends
Friendships are truly a gift.
They offer us the support and encouragement we need through the many different seasons. They provide a shoulder to cry on, a gentle embrace and a good belly laugh from time to time.
They come in all different shapes and sizes, some friendships are the lifelong friends we formed in our school years that are still just as strong. Some are new friendships we have developed at the park while our kids play together every other Tuesday afternoon. Some offer the gift of wisdom as we share together during Bible study.
It’s such a blessing to interact with a sweet friend but sometimes as mothers ourselves, investing in friendships is often an afterthought or a non-priority. We try to “squeeze” in coffee dates when the time is right or we have nothing going on (which is hardly ever).
We were created to need community, to go through life together. Often though in this day and age thanks to social media, we are confusing our “online” time as meaningful interactions.
Don’t get me wrong, thanks to blogging I have created many deep friendships with women I haven’t met in person and have been able to stay connected with dear friends who live far away, but we still need real, meaningful, face-to-face connections with other women.
While we do have important priorities that our focus of attention is rightfully placed, cultivating real friendships is important in our roles as wives and mothers. The gift of friendship isn’t something we should take lightly and we should work hards towards cultivating, but how?
How do we possibly find the time to cultivate friendships when there is so much else that also requires our attention?
To read the rest of this post, head on over to The Humbled Homemaker!
Raising kids is a challenge and knowing that your friends care really helps. Just wanted to add that here (and also that I really enjoy your blog and added it to my BlogLovin lists). Off to read the full post now and see what the suggestions are.