3 Ways to Get Your Days Back to School Ready
School starting soon? Here are 3 ways to get your days back to school ready for the new school year and to help bring order to your days after a lazy summer.
Can you believe that summer is almost over?
In the area where I live, school starts this week. Back when I was a teacher I would have been hard at work in my classroom come August 1st in preparation for a new school year.
Some of you, however, don’t start school until after Labor Day, which is how it was when I was in elementary school but somehow the school year started to get pushed up in August and now for so many, school begins when August begins.
Today I’m over at Intentional By Grace sharing some thoughts about how to get your’s and your kid’s routine Back-to-School ready with some tips to help you evaluate and create a new routine for the evening, morning and your days.
Here is a little sneak peek:
3 Ways to Get Your Days Back to School Ready
Do you hear that?
Sadly the sounds of summer are quickly coming to an end. The long, lazy days will soon be replaced with school bells, sports practice and a more structured routine as we start to head into the pre-fall phase of the year.
I like the term pre-fall because while technically it’s still summer, and for most of the country it still feels like summer, fall activities such as back to school, football and other activities begin to fill our schedules. Depending on the part of the country you live in, this season is probably already upon you or will be in a few weeks.
I live in the Midwest where school starts mid-August, but I know many people who don’t go back to school until after Labor Day.
Whether you want to admit it or not, the start of a new school year will be here before you know it, and with the start of a new year also means the beginning of a more demanding schedule.
My kids are not of school age yet but my oldest son will be attending preschool two mornings a week and my youngest will be going to a Mother’s Day Out one of those days as well. Which means that come September I will need to have everyone up, dressed, fed with their bags packed and the car loaded by 8:50 two mornings during the week. I’m kind of tired just thinking about it!
While this pre-fall time of year does bring with it a new type of routine and schedule that can be more demanding than the lazy days of summer, there are three ways to get your days back-to-school ready while still enjoying the lazy days while we have them!
What to read the rest of the post? Be sure to head HERE
I’m heading over to finish reading now. Thanks for letting us know about the great price on that book!