
An Easy Worshipful, Restful and Simple Advent Season

An Easy Worshipful, Restful and Simple Advent Season

Is meal planning a struggle? I’m so excited to announce… The CHK Seasonal Meal Planner is now available!!! Plan your meals with purpose and intention as you think through special days, holidays, and what each season uniquely offers. It will guide you, step-by-step, through planning each month allowing you to save time and money. Grab yours…

A Genius Simple Cleaning Checklist that will Make You Feel Like Supermom

A Genius Simple Cleaning Checklist that will Make You Feel Like Supermom

Save time and your sanity by using this GENIUS simple cleaning checklist daily to clean house from top to bottom in a few minutes every single day… you’ll feel like supermom! No more deep cleaning days! Oh, the dreaded chore list! It’s no secret that I have an aversion to cleaning, in fact, some might…