January Family Connections Calendar
Draw closer as a family this year with the Family Connections Calendar and Scripture reading plan. Each month includes simple and easy ways to connect as a family as well as a Scripture plan to read aloud together.
It’s a fresh New Year! One of the biggest requests I received in the reader survey was more practical ways to connect as a family through meaningful activities, conversations, and through devotional times.
Not only was it one of the most common responses in the survey but it has also been something on my heart as well!
So this year I am thrilled to announce an exciting new monthly download for you and your family…
A monthly family connections calendar!
Each month, you will receive a calendar with thoughtful, yet intentional, activity ideas for your family that doesn’t require much preparation and are almost always free!
You will also receive a Scripture reading plan to read aloud one chapter from a specific book of the Bible together.
Let’s take a closer look at each of these calendars:
Family Activity Calendar
Included in the activity list are seasonal appropriate ideas as well as conversation starters to have at mealtimes.
These are simple and easy activities to do with your family no matter what season or stage you are in. They can also be adapted to meet the needs of your specific family.
Don’t have kids or are an empty nester? Connect with your spouse with some of these ideas!
Have itty bitty little ones? Older children or teens? There are plenty of ideas that appeal to all ages!
Are you single? Grab a friend or serve your neighbors and family with some of these ideas!
The best part of this calendar is that it is designed to help you and your family better connect this year. So whether you do 2 things off the list or all 31, the point is that you are being intentional!
How to Use
Print off the list and stick it on your refrigerator or place near your family command center. Go through the list today and pick at least 5 activities and schedule them on your family calendar.
Almost all of the ideas are free or require things you probably already have on hand in your home. Some do require a little bit of preparation and making room in your calendar but get your family on board to help with the planning!
You can also just pick and choose the activities that best fit into your family’s schedule and routine. Maybe this list even gives you some new ideas!
Make this connection calendar work for your family and watch how just a few simple activities can really draw your family closer together!
Family Scripture Reading Plan
Perhaps the best way you can connect as a family this year is to spend time reading the Bible together.
Last year one of my favorite books I read was a simple account of a mom starting the practice of reading aloud her Bible to her young kids.
Not a children’s Bible but the actual Word of God.
The results were profound and it seriously convicted me to read the Word aloud to my kids too. But sometimes the hardest part is knowing where to start.
This family reading plan makes it simple for you!
Each day you only have one chapter to read aloud. That’s it!
Five days of chronological Scripture reading with a selected Psalm or Proverb for the weekend and a built-in Grace Day because we all know life is unpredictable and busy!
How to Use
Print off the Family Scripture Plan and place in your family Bible, your Bible book basket, or somewhere you and your family will see every day.
Pray together as a family before you read the Bible aloud and then just read.
If your children are old enough, take turns reading aloud or you can even use the YouVersion Bible app to listen to Word if reading aloud is hard.
Both the Family Connections Calendar and Scripture Reading Plan are free to download when you sign up for the email list and then once a month, the new calendar will be delivered straight to your inbox!
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I pray these simple ideas and passages from the Bible help draw you and your family closer together this year as well as water those seeds of faith.
Here’s a peek at January’s calendars:
January Family Reading Plan
The first month of the year, we will aloud together the Gospel of John in its entirety, along with Psalms 1-4 on the weekends. The last few days of the month, we will begin reading the first few chapters of Genesis as we head into February.
January Family Activities & Discussion Questions
- Go on a New Year’s Day walk bundled up sipping hot cocoa
- Place an empty box in each person’s room to fill up with giveaway items all month
- Write thank you cards for Christmas gifts received
- Gather new, or gently used, socks, gloves, hats, and/or blankets to be dropped off at the fire station, church, shelter, or any place where these winter necessities would be appreciated.
- Visit the library to check out winter-themed books
- On Epiphany, take down and carefully pack away any remaining Christmas decorations and reflect on memories of the season
- Write in one child’s memory journal or write a letter to a family member
- Mealtime discussion question: What is one Christ-focused goal you have for this year?
- Have an indoor picnic in front of the fireplace or light some candles to place on the table.
- Shovel a neighbor’s driveway and sidewalk or clear someone’s car from the snow piled on top
- Drink hot cocoa with marshmallows and peppermint sticks after school
- Turn off the TV and have a family read aloud night
- Bake a batch of cookies to deliver to a neighbor or friend
- Mealtime discussion question: What is one way you can be the light of Jesus to someone today or tomorrow?
- On Martin Luther King Jr. Day, volunteer and serve together as family
- Send a card or letter to a friend or family member who celebrates a birthday this month, or just a special “I am thankful for you!” card
- Cut out paper snowflakes and hang on the window
- Pop stovetop popcorn and watch a family favorite movie
- Make a goal to spend at least 15 minutes outside playing every day, even if it means bundling up!
- Make a big pot of warm and delicious soup and crusty bread. Invite some friends over to share the meal with you.
- Spend the day intentionally taking real-life photos to capture those precious everyday moments.
- Write a letter as a family to your Pastor or church ministry staff expressing gratitude for all they do
- Mealtime discussion question: How have you seen God work in your life?
- Write in one child’s memory journal or write a letter to a family member
- Talk about what it means to lift others up in prayer and make a prayer board to place names, pictures, or places on to pray for throughout the year.
- Watch a zoo’s live stream of a Polar bear, Penguin, or other artic animal’s habitat
- Have a homemade pizza night where everyone makes their own personal pizza with their favorite toppings
- Pick a weekend and have a PJ day where you don’t go anywhere all day but stay home, play games, read books, bake cookies, or just rest as a family.
- Mealtime discussion question: Who can we pray for this month?
- Take boxes of giveaway items you have been collecting all month to the local donation center.
- Sort through all the photos you took this month and print off the best ones to place in a photo album or digital photobooks like Chatbooks or Shutterfly
This is a beautiful idea and what a beautiful way to do some good and enhance relationships with your family.
I am a subscriber, but I have not received my January family connect and scripture writing plan. Could you please send it to me, when you have time.
Thank you and God bless,
Hi Melissa, to access all of the 2018 Family Connection Calendars head here to this page https://creativehomekeeper.com/2017-family-connection-calendars/ and enter password 2017FCcalendar
Due to time constraints, there are not going to be updated 2019 calendars this year.